Tuesday, August 15, 2017

We wish summer would never end

Hello again! 
Facebook just reminded me of the moment we decided to buy a sailboat in and to sail for an uncertain amount of time. The decision was made 4 years  ago ........

"You’ll realise the Atlantic is just like doing a few smaller passages in a row. It is a seminal moment, as the world seems to shrink. I think that it is a bit like falling in love, in that when it’s time to head off for good, you will just know.” Riley Whitelum

Capo d'Orlando was my first solid introduction to "Sicilia" this summer, and it was fabulous. A week of exploring beaches, getting lost on the crumbling old side streets in the hot sun, trying local dishes and hanging out in the markets, it couldn’t have been more local and more special. 
The town itself enjoys a spectacular position, looking over the Tyrrhenian sea and facing the Aeolian Islands, with to the rear the imposing green backdrop of Nebrodi.

Dadurch, dass wir jede Seemeile zwischen der Ostsee und Sizilien eigenständig zurückgelegt haben, wird uns gerade klar, was für einen Facettenreichtum verpassen, wenn wir einfach mit dem Flieger darüber hinweg sausen...im Flugzeug bekommt man eben einfach kein Gefühl für die unendliche Vielfalt und Schönheit unserer Erde.